Time is precious. Every passing moment is a drop of blood lost. In the "Feathers Speech Project: Blood Hourglass," I explore the concept of time and the urgency to make every second count. Inspired by the legendary Alexander McQueen, I created a captivating visual experience with the help of two talented models, Sam Latronico and Amber Hue, and a dedicated assistant, Ville Niiranen.
With a strong desire to create something fashion-forward, I incorporated McQueen's iconic style and added a unique twist to bring the vision to life. I ensured every detail was perfect, from the makeup to the hair and the costumes.
The project focused on fashion and capturing the hourglass's essence, emphasising time's importance. Despite the theme's political connotations, we remained true to our vision and produced something uniquely fashion-forward. The Blood Hourglass concept is a powerful reminder to make every moment count and cherish our time.